Wednesday, 15 May 2013


I'm afraid I started today a little grumpy.

The wind and rain kept me awake through the night.

When I went outside to feed the birds this morning, it was FREEZING.

I then declared that I wasn't walking to school today.  Most unlike me, as I walk in pretty much all weathers.  But I declared that walking to school in wind, and drizzle and being frozen is what you expect in October, but I wasn't doing it in May.

When I got back, after a quick tidy up, there was nothing for it, but a cup of hot chocolate and a piece of home-made cake.  :)

 That's better!

Then a lovely surprise - the yarn from Suze at Simply Seeking Serenity arrived - all the way from Australia.  

Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all!
(Although I'd still like to see some sunshine for more than 2 minutes between showers)

I'm off to try and "catalogue" my crochet now.  Update to follow - although I originally thought it would be a 5 minute job, but have a feeling it may take a little longer!

Sara x

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