Sunday, 12 October 2014


Today it has been raining - lots of rain!  And the wind is expected to get up this evening.

After a trip to Brighton (making the most of my teenage son wanting to go shopping with me!), we decided chocolate cake was essential on such a day.

I hope you've all had a good weekend.

Sara x


  1. Wow - that cake looks absolutely yumbledosious! We've been very lucky with our weather, bright autumnal sunshine, really warm too. Hope your weather improves :)

  2. I do hope my teenage sons will want to go shopping with me one day. I am dragging mine to the mall tomorrow to buy some essentials. Oh the horror it holds for them. I shall dangle the promise of cake at the end of it and see if that helps. Cake almost always helps I find. CJ xx

  3. I know I live in sussex and it's been raining most of the day. That is a fab cake very yummyx

  4. I live on the East Coast and we were blessed with a nice day. The cake looks delicious.

  5. Obviously, he wanted to shop with you because you have such impeccable taste. :) Your cake looks delicious, chocolate cake always seems like a very good idea.

  6. Shopping, chocolate cake...I'm thinking that having a teenage son wont be so bad after all! The weather has been awful here all day and they only thing to do is eat cake, frankly. x

  7. A son who wants to go shopping with his Mum should never be turned down! The cake looks delicious!! xx

  8. Any shopping involving a teenager deserves chocolate cake....

  9. I agree with Mitzi ... teenager/s + shopping = compulsory cake consumption.

  10. Chocolate cake is always essential
