Sunday 8 September 2013


My Sundays will follow a similar pattern to today for the next few months.

Rugby and a roast at the end of the day.  (I'll gloss over the soaking and washing of the kit!)

A great start to the season - a win.  My boy made the starting line up - so I'm a proud mummy.  It rained before the match, and after, but very little during, so I was able to take lots of photos!  :)

There is something reassuring about the repetitive nature of our lives - although I do whinge on occasion.  But this week, the return to school, routine and rugby have felt good as the year moves on.

Wishing you a good week.



  1. All back to the routine.

    Thank you for the location info - I've added it to the list.

    Nina x

  2. It's amazing how routines change as the seasons turn x

  3. I like the sounds of your Sundays - especially the roast dinners! We don't make them that often but one of the many nice things about autumn is eating stews, roasts and pies round the table at the weekend. x

  4. Ooh, you had me at Sunday roast! It's definitely my favourite meal of the week.

    Routine IS reassuring, you're absolutely right.

    Hope to bump into you at Yarndale!

    Heather x

  5. I used to love roasts on Sundays when my three girls were small but they have all flown the coop and my other half is veggie so they have become a thing of the past. But I do have some other lovely routines like three of my grandchildren come to tea every Tuesday which is always such fun x

  6. I'm looking forward to more roasts now the weather's changing too. There's only so many barbeques you can enjoy before the novelty wears off! xx
