Sunday, 21 April 2013

This weekend

I don't know why but I haven't got round to blogging for the last week or so. I know I've been busy but maybe the main reason is I'm getting a new camera for my birthday (it was Wednesday) and every spare moment we are all researching! So many choices - I had no idea!! I think I'm going to get a Panasonic DMC G5 but it comes with a hefty price tag. Far more than is reasonable for a birthday present. So we are "thinking". I was hoping I could find some bad reviews to put me off - but I can't. It really does seem an excellent camera. Now to justify the price!!

It was back to school on Monday. The start of the Summer term.
Not that it's obvious along the footpath!

But this weekend has been bright and sunny. A bitter wind though - but the sun had plenty of warmth if you could find a sheltered spot.
Matt had a cricket match on Saturday. I took my ripple and spent a lovely couple of hours crocheting outside. I don't think you can beat crafting outside - so long as its warm!!
Maybe for next weeks game Matt could score a few more runs, but you can't have everything.
Today I've pottered around in the garden. Cut the grass and tidied the flower beds. At long last the garden is coming to life. I can't wait for the real colour to appear.
Then I made and wrote thank you cards for my lovely birthday presents.
And finally I finished the back for the cushion. I want to add some crochet flowers and buttons to 4 squares in the middle but I'm still waiting for the yarn to be delivered. I was trying to match the colours to the ripple I made. I'm hoping it will arrive this week so I can finish it off and move on to a new project. As well as keeping going with Matts ripple. I can't imagine why I agreed I would make such a huge blanket for him!
I'm not sore that my photos are appearing in the right places tonight - but I'm sure you can work out what relates to each comment.
Have a good week.
Sara x

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